Do you have a backyard? Front yard? Balcony? Access to a rooftop? Then you can help wildlife!
I invited naturalist David Mizejewski on the podcast to talk about how you can make your yard, balcony, or whatever you have access to more wildlife friendly. David is an author, TV host, and naturalist who works for the National Wildlife Federation spreading messages about conservation in your own backyard. He’s worked for the National Wildlife Federation for 21 years, where they’ve been promoting backyard habitat since he 1970s.
I’ve talked about backyard habitat before on the podcast, but David goes into much more detail. I am not a plant person and David talks about the importance of building the foundation using native plants. You’ll learn how to restore habitat in your yard one native plant at a time.
Are you overwhelmed like me? David has you covered with plenty of resources to make landscaping with native plants easy.
Specifically we talk about:
For full show notes click here.
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