Dec. 8, 2015

SUFB 067: Climate Change Needs to be Halted for Coral Reef Survival

SUFB 067: Climate Change Needs to be Halted for Coral Reef Survival

COP 21 is in full effect and the talks are happening. Canada jut committed to 1.5 C below Pre-industrial levels. However, action will be the key to real change and it is needed to make sure coral reefs survive and, in turn, the many people who depend...

COP 21 is in full effect and the talks are happening. Canada jut committed to 1.5 C below Pre-industrial levels. However, action will be the key to real change and it is needed to make sure coral reefs survive and, in turn, the many people who depend on the protection and food they create. Shop for the Ocean: 10 Ocean Tips to Conserve the Ocean: Show Notes: