Dec. 15, 2015

SUFB 072: Species Tuesday, the Hector's Dolphin

SUFB 072: Species Tuesday, the Hector's Dolphin

Hector's dolphin is the smallest cetacean but has a very big battle ahed of it. They are considered endangered with population is less than 100. Endemic to New Zealand, the Hector's dolphin is protected in a number of Marine Protected Areas from gill...

Hector's dolphin is the smallest cetacean but has a very big battle ahed of it. They are considered endangered with population is less than 100. Endemic to New Zealand, the Hector's dolphin is protected in a number of Marine Protected Areas from gill nets and trawl fishing; however, it doesn't seem to be enough. Listen to the podcast to find out why. Support the Podcast: Shop for the Ocean: 10 Ocean Tips to Conserve the Ocean: Show Notes: