Feb. 8, 2016

SUFB 107: Seagrass Species Uses Alternative Reproduction Methods

SUFB 107: Seagrass Species Uses Alternative Reproduction Methods

A Seagrass species located in Shark Bay, Western Australia is using an alternative reproductive strategy to colonize an area that is highly saline and not normally optimal for the species. In this episode, we discuss why that is happening and what the...

A Seagrass species located in Shark Bay, Western Australia is using an alternative reproductive strategy to colonize an area that is highly saline and not normally optimal for the species. In this episode, we discuss why that is happening and what the seagrass species prefers. Support the Podcast: http://www.speakupforblue.com/patreon Shop for the Ocean: http://www.speakupforblue.com/shop 10 Ocean Tips to Conserve the Ocean: http://www.speakupforblue.com/wordpress/sufb_optinpdf Show Notes: http://www.speakupforblue.com/session107