Nov. 2, 2016

SUFB 230: The Ross Sea MPA Process With Cassandra Brooks

SUFB 230: The Ross Sea MPA Process With Cassandra Brooks

After 10 years of working on trying to get the Ross Sea protected, Cassandra Brooks saw her hard work come to fruition.

Imagine spending the last ten years (really the first 10 years) of your career trying to get a piece of Ocean protected that is managed by 24 countries with a treaty that was written in 1959. There are countries who can't win the argument to establish Marine Protected Areas within their own country, let alone getting 23 other countries to agree to your propositions.

That is what happened to Cassandra Brooks with Ross Sea MPA. Cassandra followed the MPA process from every aspect possible starting as a Fisheries Biologist to a Science and Conservation Communicator then to studying a PhD in Marine Policy where she was able to sit in the MPA planning meetings during the last part of the process.

Listen to the podcast to find out how she found the process and the evolution of her career.

Enjoy the podcast!

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