Nov. 12, 2016

SUFB 235: Ocean Talk Friday

SUFB 235: Ocean Talk Friday

We switched the Ocean Talk Friday up due to the election...but it's important!

The election really threw everyone, or most people for a loop, especially the Marine Science and Conservation community. The President-Elect, Donald Trump, has been determined about denying climate change and reducing environmental government departments such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Environment (DOE), and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).Β 

The reduction in government resources to adequately deal with Ocean issues such as Climate Change, Over fishing, Ocean Mining, Plastic Pollution, etc., will mean that there will have to be grassroots movements to ensure the federal government will honour what is important to their constituents. It will require strategic planning to ensure your environmental values (similar to your country's values) are upheld.Β 

For the next four years, Speak Up For Blue will do our best to provide you with the guidance required to effectively get your environmental values heard by the current administration.