On our 300th Episode, I brought on people who have contributed their time and energy into making this podcast amazing!!!
Wow, 300 episodes! Publishing 300 episodes is something that I never thought that I would be able to do. A year and a half ago, I published my first podcast to help people understand what was happening with the Ocean and what solutions they could implement to help resolve the problem. Now, after 300 episodes and over 70K downloads, the Speak Up for Blue Community has grown into a force that is out to protect the Ocean.
Nathan Johnson, Dr. Lyne Morissette and Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan join me on this special Ocean Talk Friday to discuss the following topics:
1) Should we pay to get experience in Marine Science and Conservation to benefit our careers?
2) Is BREXIT good for managing fisheries?
3) Is the March for Science good for Science?
4) Conservation vs Animal Rights
5) Is downlisting a Species At Risk good or bad for Species Risk Management (Manatee as an Example).
Enjoy the podcast!
Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The science community and its supporters are Marching for Science on April 22nd, Earth Day, in Washington, D.C. Show your Support for science by wearing the T-Shirts during the march. Not going to the March for Science, wear the T-Shirt, take a pic of you wearing it and post it on social media with the hastag #MarchforScience. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. http://www.speakupforblue.com/shop
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Looking to transform your health and wellness using Arbonne products? Learn about our starter package to get you living for a better Ocean by contacting me at andrew@speakupforblue.com.