April 28, 2017

SUFB 309: Ocean Talk Friday

SUFB 309: Ocean Talk Friday

Dr. Lyne Morissette joins me on Ocean Talk Friday to report back on her time at the Earth Optimism Summit, which she said changed her life!!!

Dr. Lyne Morissette joins me on Ocean Talk Friday to report back on her time at the Earth Optimism Summit, which she said changed her life!!! 

The Earth Optimism Summit happened last weekend sandwiching the March for Science in Washington, D.C. Both events were huge successes according to many attendees who were able to do both. Dr. Lyne Morissette, who has been on this podcast numerous times, was able to attend the Summit and was kind enough to come on and share her experience.

Listen to why she thinks Marine Science and Conservation needs to put out more optimism in their messages.

Enjoy the podcast!

Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. http://www.speakupforblue.com/shop

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