This is a special Ocean Talk Friday Episode where I have two colleagues and friends that would like to introduce you to a new podcast we've been working on called Marine Conservation Happy Hour. I hope you enjoy!!!
This is a special Ocean Talk Friday Episode where I have two colleagues and friends that would like to introduce you to a new podcast we've been working on called Marine Conservation Happy Hour. It's a podcast where we get together after work (virtually, of course) and talk about what's happening in our respective fields over a few drinks. It's something that we've been working on for a while and I find our chemistry is growing.
Today, we discuss a few stories that are centred around marine mammals. The first two stories deal with the removal of regulatory tools and advice to protect Marine Mammals. The Federal Government has defunded the Marine Mammal Commission, which is a body of independent scientists that make decisions on marine mammal protections in the face of government projects.
We also talk about the US Federal Government taking away important protections for Marine Mammals on the West Coast. The ban on drift nets has now been removed making marine mammals vulnerable to getting caught and drowning in the nets. Not a good choice. You will hear how the fishing industry was for the drift net ban in the first place. We chat about why this happened and what will be the consequences.
We talk Vaquita and the potential solutions that people are trying to put in place to reverse the rate of extinction of the cutest species on the planet. I get a little silly with one of my proposals.
Finally, we end on a good note. We talk about the increase of Humpback Whales in the New York City area. This is a great success story that my friends, Dr. Smash and Dr. Craken gobbled up.
All in all I hope you enjoyed this episode of OTF where we feature the Marine Conservation Happy Hour. Things get a little crazy and loud near the end...could be the drinks talking. But we had some fun doing this. I hope you did as well!!!
Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
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