Oct. 27, 2017

SUFB 387: An Update from the 22nd Biennial Conference for the Society of Marine Mammalogy

SUFB 387: An Update from the 22nd Biennial Conference for the Society of Marine Mammalogy

Dr. Lyne Morissette, marine mammal scientist and science communicator extrodinnaire, joins us on the podcast today to discuss her takeaways from the 22nd Biennial Conference for the Society of Marine Mammals. That means she gets to spend more than 5...

Dr. Lyne Morissette, marine mammal scientist and science communicator extrodinnaire, joins us on the podcast today to discuss her takeaways from the 22nd Biennial Conference for the Society of Marine Mammals. That means she gets to spend more than 5 days listening and talking about whales, dolphins, seals, walruses, polar bears and more!!! It's a dream come true!!!

Lyne's highlights were the talks of the Northwest Atlantic Right Whales and what we will do about them, hearing about the Vaquita (only 19 left!!!), and the fusion of collaboration among various professions such as art and conservation. 

By the way, the conference was held in Halifax, Nova Scotia and in true Canadian fashion, the entire conference took place on a hockey rink. The conference shirts were hockey jerseys! 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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