Christine Ren, from , is our guest on the podcast today. She is here for two reasons: 1) To tell us how underwater performances can make the personal connection of the ocean to the human race: and, 2) Christine and I got to catch up as we haven't been...
Christine Ren, from Christine Ren Films, is our guest on the podcast today. She is here for two reasons: 1) To tell us how underwater performances can make the personal connection of the ocean to the human race: and, 2) Christine and I got to catch up as we haven't been touch touch for a number of years.
Christine and I used to collaborate as I had Speak Up For Blue and she had Project Blue. We shared information, resources and strategies. Since then, Christine started a media company and has become an underwater performer.
I'm looking forward to you hearing this interview because Christine is living proof that Marine Conservation Careers includes more than just straight research.
Enjoy the Podcast!!!
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