Dec. 18, 2018

SUFB 658: An Update On The Ocean Clean Up Project

SUFB 658: An Update On The Ocean Clean Up Project

The Ocean Clean Up Project was deployed in September with much anticipation of the world. The goal: Clean up the Pacific Garbage Patch. A lofty goal surrounded with a lot of controversy from the science and conservation fields; however, many media...

The Ocean Clean Up Project was deployed in September with much anticipation of the world. The goal: Clean up the Pacific Garbage Patch. A lofty goal surrounded with a lot of controversy from the science and conservation fields; however, many media outlets were promoting the heck out of the project as a feel good project. 

I have been very critical of the program relating to various criticism shared by the Marine Science and Conservation community. 

The Clean Up Project device reached the Great Pacific Garbage Patch recently; however, it has not cleaned up anything. The device is not working the way it should. It is not moving fast enough to pick up the trash in the water. Boyan Slant released a statement saying that his team is working on the problem. 

There may be some good that comes out of this project, which I discuss in this episode. Check it out.

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