Dec. 29, 2018

SUFB 665: Status Quo Bias With Brooke Tully

New Years is around the corner, which means that many of you are planning out their New Year's Resolutions for 2019. My question to you is: Do you stick with your New Year's Resolution? Our resolutions are about change. Change can be difficult. Why is...

New Years is around the corner, which means that many of you are planning out their New Year's Resolutions for 2019. My question to you is: Do you stick with your New Year's Resolution? Our resolutions are about change. Change can be difficult. Why is it so difficult to change our ways.

I asked Brooke Tully who has a series of blog posts about "Why People Don't Do Things!" The first part of this four part series is the Status Quo Bias, a behavioural change theory that explains why we have such trouble changing our habits.

Take a listen then read more on this subject on Brooke's Website.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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