Jan. 2, 2019

SUFB 669: Arctic Communities Suffer With Ocean Shipping

The opening of the Northwest Passage due to melting ice from climate change provides an opportunity to businesses to use the shipping lane as a way to ship products to the Arctic for various business needs. It could be a great way for the local...

The opening of the Northwest Passage due to melting ice from climate change provides an opportunity to businesses to use the shipping lane as a way to ship products to the Arctic for various business needs. It could be a great way for the local community to get their goods delivered to them when the shipping lane is open; however, whether the local communities will get priority over big business is another question.

The local communities did not get priority over the mining companies this past fall as shipping needs were met; however, the local communities failed to get their shipping needs met due to poor ice conditions. The shipping company did not plan their shipment accordingly and delayed the delivery, which the trip eventually failed due to the shipping lans being blocked by ice.

I make my opinion known in this episode about how local communities are getting left out of opportunities over big business that only leave short term economic benefits in exchange for large profits.

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