April 15, 2019

SUFB 756: Leatherback Sea Turtles Nesting Season In Nicaragua Results In Zero Turtles

SUFB 756: Leatherback Sea Turtles Nesting Season In Nicaragua Results In Zero Turtles

in the Rio Escalente Chacocente Wildlife Reserve this past season. A result that has the scientists at FFI worried about the future of Leatherback Sea Turtles in the Eastern Pacific that once had 30-40 female individuals nest on the same beaches in...

Fauna and Flora International has reported that zero leatherback sea turtles nested along the beaches in the Rio Escalente Chacocente Wildlife Reserve this past season. A result that has the scientists at FFI worried about the future of Leatherback Sea Turtles in the Eastern Pacific that once had 30-40 female individuals nest on the same beaches in the 1980s. 

The rapid decline has been attributed to a boom in turtle and egg poaching during the 80s and 90s as well as adults getting killed in legal and illegal fishing nets. 

5-10 individual female turtles nested on the same beaches in 2018. Researches are puzzled as to why the turtles did not return and hope to find ways to get sea turtles back to the beach. 

Listen to the episode to find out we the female to male sea turtle ration is also worrying marine scientists in this region.

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