There is a great article in Normally, we think of seal rescues as helping a sea rehabilitate from an injury from fishing gear or being shot by humans; however, in the Netherlands, people are rescuing seal pups when the pups are alone on the beach;...
There is a great article in Hakai Magazine involving the questions as to whether every seal should be rescued. Normally, we think of seal rescues as helping a sea rehabilitate from an injury from fishing gear or being shot by humans; however, in the Netherlands, people are rescuing seal pups when the pups are alone on the beach; however, there is a problem with that process. Sometimes the pups are not abandoned all of the time.
Mother seals will leave their pups alone on the beach after a few weeks old to forage for food. They feed the pups the food when they get back. The foraging could take up to 24 hours.
So there is a big controversy surrounding the issue of seal rescue in the Netherlands. Listen to the episode to find out more information.
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