May 15, 2019

SUFB 784: Pursuing An Ocean Lifestyle

During yesterday's episode, I talked about how we need to stop letting trash get in our Ocean by living an Ocean Lifestyle. It's a way to make sure that we ask ourselves if what we do, eat, or where will negatively affect the Ocean.  An Ocean...

During yesterday's episode, I talked about how we need to stop letting trash get in our Ocean by living an Ocean Lifestyle. It's a way to make sure that we ask ourselves if what we do, eat, or where will negatively affect the Ocean. 

An Ocean Lifestyle requires educating ourselves on how we can do better and what we can do or buy to make sure we are not having a negative impact on our planet, especially the Ocean.

Take a listen as to what I say in this episode and let me know in our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group ( how you are living an Ocean Lifestyle.

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