July 2, 2019

SUFB 822: Conspiracy To Label Environmentalists As Extremists

There is a great podcast called "Commons" that is doing a series on how the Oil and Gas industry has influenced life and politics in Canada. The Commons' latest episode dives into the conspiracy that Conservative politicians have labeled anyone or...

There is a great podcast called "Commons" that is doing a series on how the Oil and Gas industry has influenced life and politics in Canada. The Commons' latest episode dives into the conspiracy that Conservative politicians have labeled anyone or organization that has foreign funding as eco-extremists trying to keep Canada's Energy landlocked.  It's an interesting time to be a Marine Conservationist, where information spewed by politicians, true or false, tends to dominate the narrative. 

Take a listen and get ready to be met by a $30 Million war room to attack anyone who speaks out against oil and gas to protect the environment. There are interesting times ahead.

Will this stop you from speaking out against the fossil fuel industry? Share your perspective in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: http://www.speakupforblue.com/group.

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