July 12, 2019

SUFB 832: Japan Sets Out To Hunt Whales In Their Waters, And Not For "Research"

Japan is excited to start commercial whaling again as their three whaling ships set out to hunt Bryde's, minke, and sei whales. After Japan left the Internation Whaling Commission, it was excited to resume commercial whaling after 30 years without...

Japan is excited to start commercial whaling again as their three whaling ships set out to hunt Bryde's, minke, and sei whales. After Japan left the Internation Whaling Commission, it was excited to resume commercial whaling after 30 years without having to worry about the "research" tag, which apparently means that they could produce better quality meat?!

Take a listen to the episode for more details.

How long do you think the whaling will last before Japan says it should stop? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group: http://www.speakupforblue.com/group.

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