Wednesday's Show:
Florida anglers want to fish in closed waters for grouper and Canada Parks need to include more young people into the park planning process.
Story 1:
Recreational anglers are pressuring government to open gag grouper fishing in state waters during the time when federal closures for the same species remain closed. The anglers say that opening the fishery will boost the local economy and tourism during a time in the year when tourism is low. The problem is gag grouper is consifered vulnerable by the IUCN and the increased fishing pressure (over fishing) can cause them to approach the threatened status (much worse) in the state of florida. In addition, the fish do not recognize the boundary between federal and state water and therefore will cross the boundary increasing their potential of being fished during the state open water.
Story 1 Link:
Story 2:
Canada Parks, the federal government branch in Canada with a mandate to protect and designate parks in Canada, is holding a number of workshops in Vancouver to discuss future plans for Parks in Canada. The problem is that the younger generation is not showing up to voice their opinions. On the other hand, Canada Parks may not be announcing the workshops where the younger generation are present (social media site, universities, high school). Canada Parks should do a better hob to reach out to the younger generation to connect and help decide the future of Canadian Oceans.
Please watch: "Manatee: Are they still at risk?"