Fishers have had to adapt to many changes over generations. Some of those changes are natural, but most are human-induced. For one fisher in Alaska, adapting has been part of his entire life. Dune Lankard is an indigenous f…
Dr. David Ebert joins me on the podcast today to discuss four publications that went out in the last 5 weeks that name and describe a new shark species. These new shark species bring Dave's total described species to 50. Da…
The last episode on Climate Change might have been a bit pessimistic so I decided to share a great resource on how you can fight climate change. The David Suzuki Foundation has been working within Canada for decades to help…
Last week was a crazy week for the environment, to say the least. The ocean was set on fire due to a busted pipeline, a town in British Columbia ignited into flames due to a heatwave, and the Arctic ice is melting at a pheno…
Two experience Canadian Fisheries and Oceans scientists have revealed that data points to multiple factors that are causing the recovery of Northern Cod to move at a snail's pace and seals are not the driving force. Many fis…
The US Navy conducts drills in the ocean on a regular basis whether it uses sonar or detonates bombs. Unfortunately, many marine species including marine mammals, suffer from these exercises. Sonar exercises can affect the …
Does Subway use real Tuna in their Tuna sandwiches? That is the question that many headlines read throughout social media sites recently as people were sharing variations of a New York Times article along the same lines. Th…
A recent article highlighted a string of containers that have fallen off of shipping vessels in recent months. Some shipping experts say that it is caused by a change in the direction of waves causing rolling pitches on the …
I was in a clubhouse room run by Zakia Rashid called Blue Planet this week and there was a discussion about oil spills at sea. Not the huge oil spills that we hear about on the news, but small spills that not many people eve…
I had an audience member reach out to me this morning to ask me some advice about creating content for Science Communication (SciComm). I love chatting about SciComm so we had a great discussion. Listen to the episode on wh…
The Coelacanth is a fish that continues to surprise the scientific community. Originally thought to be extinct, the living fossil was "rediscovered" after being caught in 1938 off the coast of Africa. The surprises continue…
The UK government responded to reports that 97% of their Marine Protected areas had allowed trawlers to fish in the areas where the major goals of the MPA were to protect the seabed making the MPA ineffective. The response w…
The US government passed a bill that will ban the sale and/or purchase of shark fins in the United States. There is more to the bill than a shark fin ban, which will address in a second. The shark fin ban has had some contro…
Oceans Week 2021 has been a very busy week for me as I scheduled 4 Speak Up For Ocean Blue episodes and a number of episodes for my client podcasts (more on that another time). I also had the opportunity to take this podcas…
I am joined by RARE's Katie Velasco who is here to discuss a contest for solutions to water pollution from around the world. The contest that is led by RARE and is run by Solution Search is down to 10 finalists that have a p…
Happy Oceans Day!!! As promised in the last episode, here is the entire audio piece created by Michelle Amor. Enjoy! Tune into Earthx TV Tuesday-Thursday at 7pm ET for Live Shows of Speak Up for the Ocean Blue Podcast: Want…
Michelle Amor is a Masters Student in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at Scripps Institute of Oceanography. She is also an avid music composer and a violin teacher. This episode dives into how Michelle decided to merge…
It starts with trying to solve a problem. Dr. Rebecca Helm, Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina Ashville, wanted to make sure ocean species such as jellyfish and other non-commercial species are protected…
Eden Robins and Dr. Craig McClain join me on today's episode to talk about why they started a podcast to make boring science things not so boring with their new podcast. It's funny, it's witty, it's actually quite informativ…
Plastic pollution in the Ocean is a serious problem as 12 million tons of plastic pollution is added to the Ocean on a daily basis. An amendment to the UN's 1989 Basel Convention added the disposal of plastic to reduce the …
This episode is purely motivational. I find that there is a perception that people should do everything perfectly if they are going to be eco-friendly. Apparently, there is no room for failure. You are either all eco-friendl…
The Deep Sea is quite a mysterious place. In fact, we know more about space than we do about the Deep Sea, which doesn't make a lot of sense since the Ocean is on our planet and we need to make a better effort in knowing our…
I feel as though my first lesson in web food ecology was learning about the dynamics between the Sea Otter, Sea Urchin, and the Kelp Forest. When one is out of balance (i.e. population is up or down) then it affects all of t…
Judging from the title, you probably think that I am going crazy. Of course, banning bottom trawling will improve the ocean. But you will be surprised when I tell you that there haven't been many studies that provide evidenc…