
Oct. 9, 2020

SUFB 1066: Seagrass Meadows In Caribbean Need More Protections To Secure Coast Lines

Waves can be a detrimental thing for our shores. Wave action through storms along beaches can erode the coastline, especially beaches due to their small sediment particle size, over a short period of time. Coastal habitats s…
Oct. 7, 2020

SUFB 1065: Why The Tagging Of A 3,500 Pound Great White Shark Shark Off The Scotian Shelf Is Important To Conservation

As a young kid, I dreamt of working on the Ocean with sharks, or dolphins, or even Sea Turtles. I wanted to work with ocean animals so badly that I would dream about it most nights and daydream in Biology Class (maybe a litt…
Oct. 5, 2020

SUFB 1064: The Southern Resident Orca Population Adds Another Calf To The Pod!!!

Great News! A new Orca calf was spotted taking its first breaths off the coast of Victoria, B.C. The calf was spotted being propped up by it's other, J41. The naturalists who spotted the calf observed that it was rambunctiou…
Oct. 2, 2020

SUFB 1063: The Anthropause Created Research To Determine Whether The Pandemic Benefited Ocean Animals

The Pandemic in 2020 has caused an "Anthropause," a halting of major human activities that may affect wildlife either directly or indirectly. Researchers want to know how the Anthropause will affect wildlife and if it will b…
Sept. 30, 2020

SUFB 1062: Do Sea Turtles Survive After Being Released After Rehabilitation?

Dr. Nathan Robinson joins me on the podcast today to discuss a new study he published with colleagues where they asked the question: "Do Sea Turtles Survive After Being Released After Rehabilitation?" Sea Turtles were brough…
Sept. 28, 2020

SUFB 1061: 110 of 470 Pilot Whales Were Saved After Being Stranded in Tasmania, Australia

Pilot whales are known to strand every once and a while, but never in the numbers that occurred over the past week. 470 Pilot Whales were stranded (the most record).  In this episode, I talk about why pilot whales can strand…
Sept. 25, 2020

SUFB 1060: Why It's Important To Map Deep-Sea Corals In The High Seas To Protect Them From Deep-Sea Mining

Deep-sea mining is being evaluated and negotiated for the High Seas. It's predicted that is will commence near the end of the decade, but there are many concerns that we don't know enough about the Deep-Sea before we start t…
Sept. 23, 2020

SUFB 1059: Non-Indigenous Fishers Protest Indigenous Fishers' Rights To Fish Due To Conservation Concerns

Fisheries management is a tricky situation, especially when multiple policies are created for different cultures. Canadian Fisheries are not different and conflict has arisen between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous fisheries. …
Sept. 21, 2020

SUFB 1058: Learn Why It's Important To Study How Microplastics Effects Different Marine Mammals And How You Can Help Scientists Fund This Study

Dr. Janessa Gjeltema is an Assitant Professor at the University of California - Davis in Medicine and Epidemiology. In other words, she is a vet that focuses on the anthropogenic effects of pollution on animals.  Jenessa joi…
Sept. 18, 2020

SUFB 1057: Corporations Are Greenwashing And We Are Falling For It

I read a number of articles this week about how corporations are working to get into protecting the environment game, but can they be trusted.  In this episode, I discuss some of the tactics by some corporations that have gi…
Sept. 16, 2020

SUFB 1056: Orcas Damage Boats In The Strait Of Gibraltar

There have been a few accounts over the past summer of Orcas damaging boats in the Strait of Gibraltar. some accounts talk about the Orcas bitting the rudders of their boats, others talk about having a damaged keel from the …
Sept. 14, 2020

SUFB 1055: Illegal Fishing Is Happening In North Korean And Russian Waters

We don't always hear about fishing activity in North Korean or Russian waters, especially as a North American-focused media agency; however, I wanted to cover some news about the areas as it was published on the Global Fishi…
Sept. 11, 2020

SUFB 1054: Southern Resident Orca Birth For J35

The Orca, J35, that carried her dead Orca calf in 2018 that made headlines around the world has given birth to J57, a spry calf that for the Southern Resident Orca Population.  This is the first successful birth since May 20…
Sept. 9, 2020

SUFB 1053: Do Sea Lions Have An Economic Impact On Fisheries

A new study in Brazil reveals that fishers think Sea Lions have more of an economic impact on their fisheries than the data suggests. This thought process is similar in North America, which begs the question do Pinnipeds (se…
Sept. 7, 2020

SUFB 1052: How I Failed At Attending The Virtual IMCC6

The International Marine Conservation Congress 6 has come and gone. Usually, I am exhausted and need a couple of weeks to get over the conference after having such a great time and resting my voice from talking to people for…
Sept. 4, 2020

SUFB 1051: A Deep Dive Into Racism In Marine Science And Conservation

Marine Scientists and Conservationists are always trying to improve science and conservation so we can better protect the Ocean; however, one conversation that is often left out is one of systematic racism in the field. We c…
Sept. 2, 2020

SUFB 1050: Trump Administration Helps Maine Lobster Fisheries For Political Gain

The Trump Administration was behind in the polls in Maine so they decided to help the number one export industry, the lobster fishery, by allowing fishing in a Marine Monument and getting Europe to agree to eliminate an 8% t…
Aug. 31, 2020

SUFB 1049: Increased Use Of Single-Use Plastic During Coronavirus Pandemic

Have you noticed an increase in your usage of sign-use plastic when you order from the Grocery Store or due to orders from online purchases?  There is a great article in the Los Angeles Times that shows there was an increase…
Aug. 26, 2020

SUFB 1048: What I Love About SciComm

The one thing I love most about Science Communication is...the Community. I dedicate this entire podcast to the people in the community that has helped get Marine Science and Conservation information to so many people!!! Wha…
Aug. 24, 2020

SUFB 1047: China Makes Changes To Their International Fisheries Policies

China's distant-water fleet is always in the news when we discuss IUU (Illegal, unregulated, and unreported) fishing activity. Unfortunately, other countries can't do much to force a country like China to change; however, in…
Aug. 21, 2020

SUFB 1046: Minorities In Shark Science (MISS) With Carlee Jackson

The year 2020 has been tough for many reasons. COVID and the actions that led to the Social Justice change via the Black Lives Matter Movement have made 2020 a stressful year, to say the least. However, there have been some …
Aug. 19, 2020

SUFB 1045: IMCC6 Is HERE!!!

The International Marine Conservation Congress has begun, but this time it's virtual (due to COVID)! How will the virtual conference be different from the in-person conference? I go over some of the things to which I look fo…
Aug. 17, 2020

SUFB 1044: Eating For A Better Ocean

For the past 3 weeks, I followed a plan that has changed the way I look at food with the benefit of eating for a better Ocean. During this episode, I share what I've been doing to change my behaviour and live for a better Oc…
Aug. 14, 2020

SUFB 1043: Oil Spill Devastates Mauritius Coastline

A Japanese tanker grounded along the Mauritius Coastline in a sensitive coral reef habitat. The tanker leaked over 1000 tonnes of oil along 15 kms of coastline. the impacts could affect the environment and subsequently the f…