
June 17, 2020

SUFB 1018: Ocean's Day Is Over, Now What?

Last week we celebrated the Ocean in epic fashion; however, this week I ask the question: what do we do now?! This year on Speak Up For The Ocean Blue, I am going to be focusing in on how to change our behaviours to live for…
June 15, 2020

SUFB 1017: Deep Sea Bottom Currents Create Microplastic Hot Spots

An article in Science Magazine (link below) shows how deep-sea bottom currents are concentrating microplastics in specific areas. Unfortunately, these areas are the same areas that are high in biodiversity. The biodiverse ho…
June 12, 2020

SUFB 1016: Conservation Is About The Long Game

A race for the cure to end a global pandemic could affect populations of horseshoe crabs. How do horseshoe crabs tie into finding a vaccine you ask? Well, it's in their blood. The blue blood act as an indicator of the presen…
June 10, 2020

SUFB 1015: Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument Open For Fishing

The largest Atlantic US Marine Monument is now open for commercial fishing after the President of the United States signs an Executive Order to allow fishing to occur within the boundaries. There is a reason why this happene…
June 8, 2020

SUFB 1014: Happy Ocean's Day 2020!!!

Today is the day we celebrate the Ocean. I wanted to make sure you knew why the Ocean was so beautiful and spectacular that I invited our audience members to tell us why they loved the Ocean. There are 6 members of the audie…
June 8, 2020

SUFB 1013: EarthXOcean With Danni Washington

Danni Washington is back on the show to discuss her upcoming involvement in the online virtual summit called EarthXOcean from June 9-12. The summit will be discussing solutions for four major challenges we face in the Ocean …
June 7, 2020

SUFB 1012: Black Lives Matter In Ocean Conservation with Danni Washington

We take a serious turn on today's podcast to speak out against the police brutality on the black community over the past few months as well as systematic racism in the Marine Science and Conservation field. I am honoured to …
June 3, 2020

SUFB 1011: Chronic Stress In Captive Orcas

The movie Blackfish put the free orca campaign on a mainstream level and caused many things to change, such as the cancellation of orca shows and stopped the breeding program; however, what are we going to do with the Orcas …
June 2, 2020

SUFB 1010: Southern Resident Orcas Protected By Canadian Government

The Canadian Government has implemented some new protective measures to protect the Southern Resident Orca Population off the coast of British Columbia. They implemented another distance measure as well as some more restrict…
May 29, 2020

SUFB 1009: Ecotourism Pivots To Digital SciComm Platform During Self-Isolation

Viktoriya Hlamazda joins me on the podcast today to discuss how the Busselton Jetty in Southwestern Australia shifted to a digital platform dedicated to Marine Science and Conservation when the world was shut down over the p…
May 27, 2020

SUFB 1008: 10 Ocean Places To Protect Biodiversity

The PEW Charitable Trust put out an article describing 10 of the highest biodiversity hot spots in the Ocean that we should protect. I describe why they are so important and what common characteristics in the Ocean give way …
May 25, 2020

SUFB 1007: Indonesia Tries To Protect Citizens From Becoming Fisheries Slaves

There is a huge problem within the International Fisheries industry and that is the rampant use of Fisheries Slaves. Fisheries slaves are often recruited by companies to go on distant-bound vessels who overwork their crew, u…
May 22, 2020

SUFB 1006: In Search Of Deep Sea Squid With Dr. Nathan Robinson

Imagine being a part of a research cruise where the team captures footage of a live deep-sea squid for only the second time EVER?! That's what my guest today can say that he did. Dr. Nathan Robinson is back on the podcast to…
May 20, 2020

SUFB 1005: In The Name Of Conservation

There was a great article in Hakai Magazine about the ethics involving wildlife photography and videography. It covers people like Daniel Dietrich, who abides by ethical guidelines to protect nature and Ocean Ramsey, who doe…
May 18, 2020

SUFB 1004: Antarctic Benthos Lost Abundance Over Past 30 years

Today's episode takes us down to the Antarctic waters of the Weddell Sea, where a recent study revealed a loss in benthos abundance occurred over the past 30 years...and not because of the reasons that you think.  Link To Ar…
May 15, 2020

SUFB 1003: The Reasons You Should Be Podcasting For The Environment

I just wrapped up a course I was teaching for the Duke Executive Education program for the Nicholas School Of Environment. It was a great course with fantastic students! As I wrapped up the course, I was speaking with Claire…
May 13, 2020

SUFB 1002: Fisheries Observers In Canada Under Reporting Catch Due To Threats

Jimmy Thomson is an environmental journalist, who wrote an interesting article about how Fisheries Observers off the Coast of BC are receiving threats about reporting the true numbers of fish they see being taken.  I invited…
May 11, 2020

SUFB 1001: Ocean Science Radio With Andrew Kornblatt

I am proud to announce that we added another podcast to the Speak Up For Blue Podcast Network called Ocean Science Radio. The podcast is co-hosted by Andrew Kornblatt and Frances Farabaugh (Madame Curiosity and Dugongs & Sea…
May 8, 2020

SUFB 1000: We Hit 1000 Episodes!!!

The time has finally come to celebrate the fact that there are now 1000 episodes on the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast!!!  I am so excited to talk about the past, the present and the future of the podcast and the Speak …
May 7, 2020

SUFB 999: Planet Of The Humans - A Review

Earth Day is a time where we reflect on how humans can become more sustainable. It's a time where people and organizations release optimistic reports or awareness campaigns to get people thinking about the Earth; however, th…
May 4, 2020

SUFB 998: Narwhals Vulnerable In Climate Change

A new study has revealed that the Narwhal will be vulnerable in the future to climate change consequences of increased sea temperature and melting sea ice. The vulnerability comes after the study found low genetic diversity …
May 1, 2020

SUFB 997: Major Project Announced To Engage UK Northeast About Oceans with Emily Cunningham

A few weeks ago, I saw a post by my friend and colleague, Emily Cunningham, about a huge project that she and her project partners just won. They developed the proposal for over 3 years and finally saw the results, over 2 mi…
April 29, 2020

SUFB 996: Fish To Door With Katrina Ryan

What happens to fish producers when their customers close up shop and their supply chains fold? They need to pivot and identify a new market to ensure their survival. That's exactly what the Cornwall Fisheries Community did …
April 27, 2020

SUFB 995: Are You Blazing A Trail For Marine Conservation

There are many trailblazers out there that are pushing the Marine Conservation sector outside of its comfort zone to move the sector forward in a positive manner. They don't always get the credit they deserve, but they defin…