
Aug. 12, 2020

SUFB 1042: The Search For Lost Sharks On Shark Week With Dr. David Ebert

I had the pleasure to speak to Dr. David Ebert today about his experience shooting a show for Shark Week 2020. The show that he was on aired August 11th and was called Extinct or Alive: Land of Lost Sharks. Dave talked about how he told the production...
Aug. 10, 2020

SUFB 1041: Shark Week 2020 And New Shark Attack Report For 2019

It's Shark Week starting yesterday. Do you like Shark Week or do you love to hate it?! There is always the good and bad parts of the week, but this year is getting off to a rough start even before it airs. I discuss my thoughts on some of the most...
Aug. 7, 2020

SUFB 1040: Waterfront Project In Indonesia Threatens Fishers' Livelihoods

A Waterfront City project in a city in Indonesia is threatening the livelihoods of the local fishing community as the project may destroy important fish habitat and cause the coastal area to be more choppy that has damaged their boats already. Link To...
Aug. 5, 2020

SUFB 1039: To Protect Coral Reefs In The Future You Must Know Your Past

Coral Reefs have gone through some big changes over the past 50-60 years and Scientists are worried that today's generation of scientists will have a different perception of what a coral reef will looks like, which will be different from the...
Aug. 3, 2020

SUFB 1038: US Government Wants To Rollback Endangered Species Act Protections

The Endangered Species Act is a successful act that protects a diverse array of plants and animals across the US; however, the US Government wants to roll back the protections by limiting the term habitat to make it difficult to protect species. ...
July 31, 2020

SUFB 1037: International Fishing Vessel Fleet Ready To Poach Galapagos Fish

There are 260 Fishing vessels lining up along the border of the Galapagos Marine Reserve ready to poach fish just like a similar incident in 2017 where 300 tonnes of fish were found on a Chinese fishing vessel (most of the fish species were sharks)....
July 29, 2020

SUFB 1036: Advice For High School Students Who Want To Be A Marine Biologist

There is nothing like dreaming to become a Marine Biologist. I never stopped thinking about the types of careers I would have in Marine Biology when I was in High School (it was a bit of an obsession). However, if I were to do it all over again, would...
July 27, 2020

SUFB 1035: Mangrove Restoration In Mozambique A Priority After Cyclone Destroyed Over 400 Hectares

July 26th was the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, so it makes sense that Mangroves are the topic for today's episode.  In the year 2000, the longest-lived cyclone destroyed over 400 hectares of mangroves that...
July 24, 2020

SUFB 1034: Factors You Need To Consider When Getting A Job In Conservation With Dr. Stephanie Schuttler

Dr. Stephanie Schuttler joins me on the podcast to discuss the factors we need to consider when searching for a job in Conservation.  Stephanie's Links: Website: YouTube Channel: Podcast: Instagram: What factors do you consider when searching...
July 22, 2020

SUFB 1033: How Inupiat People Are Adapting To Climate Change In The Arctic

I cover a great article that tells the story of how Inupiat communities are adapting to Climate Change in the Arctic by using various technologies that provide safer hunts and help build the proper infrastructure to the communities. Above all, the...
July 20, 2020

SUFB 1032: Science Communication Needs A Diversity Of Marine Conservation Voices

As the past couple of episodes have dealt with the topics of colonialism in Marine Science and Conservation, they got me thinking about how we could begin to be more inclusive. Obviously, inclusion and equity cannot be solved overnight and I am...
July 17, 2020

SUFB 1031: The Guide To Mindful Conservation, The Podcast With Dr. Scarlett Smash

Dr. Scarlett Smash joins me in the podcast today to discuss her new podcast called The Guide To Mindful Conservation: Dancing In Pink Hiking Boots. The podcast covers topics that involve becoming happy within the field of Conservation and being a...
July 15, 2020

SUFB 1030: We Need To Talk About Colonialism In Marine Science

I am doing my best to learn how Marine Conservation can become more diverse and equal and provide that information to you. Over the past week, two pieces of content have really inspired me to think better as a Marine Conservationist. The first piece...
July 13, 2020

SUFB 1029: Answers To Last Year's Gray Whale Deaths

Last year, we observed 215 dead Gray Whales wash ashore. Scientists believe that more whales died and were stuck in some gyres or sank to the bottom of the sea. There were a ton of questions being asked as to why the whales were washing up dead. ...
July 10, 2020

SUFB 1028: Dolphins Teach Each Other How To Use Tools

Dolphins are fairly intelligent, we know that. However, the fact that we now know dolphins teach each other how to use tools to hunt more efficiently. To top it off, dolphins are teaching other siblings and friends how to use such tools. Normally, the...
July 8, 2020

SUFB 1027: Banks And Pinnacles Reveal High Biodiversity In Australian Waters

Marine Parks can provide some sort of protection; however, it all depends on the types of Ocean uses that are allowed to take place such as fishing or deep-sea mining. More protections may be necessary once research in the marine park takes...
July 6, 2020

SUFB 1026: Marine Conservation Storytelling For SciComm

Stories are the way we connect to a particular topic. When we read a book, the story captures our imaginations. When we watch a movie, people look for great storytelling as special effects can only get you so far. The point is storytelling is a tried...
July 3, 2020

SUFB 1025: Green Sea Turtles Counted By Drones In Great Barrier Reef

Finally! I have some great news to share. There was a study that used a drone to count Green Sea Turtles as they waiting along the shoreline of an island in the Great Barrier Reef. Around 64,000 nesting sea turtles were counted (the largest number in...
July 1, 2020

SUFB 1024: Illegal Trade Of Marine Species Has Increases In South America

It's difficult to stop the illegal trade of endangered animals during "normal" times. Now, try and stop the same trade during a pandemic when there are fewer resources to inspect crates that travel all over the world.  Turtles, Sharks, and...
June 29, 2020

SUFB 1023: You Are More than A Marine Biologist

Being a Marine Biologist is THE best! People love hearing that you are a Marine Biologist when you are introduced at a gathering of some sort. You become more interesting because not many people know Marine Biologists. However, we sometimes take on...
June 26, 2020

SUFB 1022: We Need To Rethink The Way We Treat Jellyfish

Dr. Rebecca Helm wrote a great article on how we currently think about jellyfish and how we should think about jellyfish. You might be wondering what that sentence really meant. You will have to listen to find out. Link to Article: Do you think we...
June 24, 2020

SUFB 1021: When Surfers Meet Sharks On Reunion Island

There was a great news video on shark incidents on Reunion Island that showed the complexities of shark conservation when multiple ocean stakeholders are involved. The surfing community wants something done about the sharks, the environmentalists want...
June 22, 2020

SUFB 1020: Mangrove Conservation Keeps CO2 In The Ground

Mangrove conservation is a focus along coastal areas in tropical countries that would like to keep Carbon Dioxide in the ground. Mangrove forests keep more than 3 times the amount of CO2 in the ground when compared to terrestrial tropical forests. So...
June 19, 2020

SUFB 1019: Diversifying The Shark Conservation Narrative

Have you ever wondered why we only hear about shark finning when we discuss Shark Conservation? It seems to be the main narrative whenever you hear about Sharks and protecting them. However, there is more to Shark Conservation than finning. Dr....