
Feb. 28, 2020

SUFB 970: How To Know You Qualify For The Right Job

It's quite frustrating when you spend so much time applying for a job and then hear nothing back as to whether you go an interview or your application was even close.  I was able to find success in applying for jobs where I received interviews....
Feb. 26, 2020

SUFB 969: Throwback To Interview With NY Sea Grant

The Sea Grant program has always been an important program for citizens that live within a Sea Grant state. The program conducts programs that are focused on finding solutions for state problems. In this throwback episode, Bill Wyse and I discussed...
Feb. 24, 2020

SUFB 968: Saving Indonesia From Plastic Pollution

Indonesia has the second-largest amount of pollution entering the ocean and its citizens are tired of it. They want the government to implement better waster management systems. The movement for a better system is driven by the youth of Indonesia,...
Feb. 21, 2020

SUFB 967: Figuring Out Your Marine Conservation Career Path - Update

It took me a while to figure out my Marine Conservation Career Path. 18 years to be exact. I experimented quite a bit with jobs in different sectors, but I never really found the job that equalled my passion for Marine Conservation. Full disclosure,...
Feb. 20, 2020

SUFB 966: Throwback To Episode 6 - Shark Conservation With Angelo Villagomez

I'm taking it back to episode 6 when I interviewed a good friend of mine Angelo Villagomez from the Pew Charitable Trust. He worked with small island communities to help them protect sharks using Marine Protected Areas. He still works with Pew on...
Feb. 17, 2020

SUFB 965: SeaWorld Pays $65 Million In Settlement Due To Blackfish Movie

SeaWorld has been through a lot since the release of a documentary that exposed the truth behind marine mammal captivity. Blackfish was released in 2013 and caused SeaWorld to change its business practices surrounding Orcas; however, they were sued...
Feb. 10, 2020

SUFB 964: Job Application - An Infuriating Story

I wanted to share a story about the time I applied for, what I thought, was my dream job. Spoiler alert, I didn't get the job, but this story highlights the problem with the way job applicants are treated by some employers as they seek...
Feb. 5, 2020

SUFB 963: Throwback - Coral Reefs Can Have A Positive Influence On Human Health With Dr. Ellen Prager

Another Throwback Wednesday is upon us. The 5th episode of the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast was with Dr. Ellen Prager. She has pretty much accomplished everything of which most Marine Biologists can only dream. She's lectured, she's been the...
Feb. 3, 2020

SUFB 962: Turks And Caicos Losing Their Conch To Over-Fishing

The Turks And Caicos are overfishing their conchs and tourists are worried that they can't get their conch for dinner anymore. That was a bit sarcastic.  Unfortunately, the demand for conchs outside of the beautiful Islands of the Turks and...
Jan. 31, 2020

SUFB 961: Is It Even Possible To Get A Career In Marine Conservation

Many of you in the audience have either dreamt of being a Marine Biologist or are currently seeking a career in Marine Conservation/Science. For that reason, I would like to try and help you realize what is involved in finding a Marine Conservation...
Jan. 29, 2020

SUFB 960: Throwback Series - Episode 4 Talking Oceans With Alex Tilley

I am very happy to present to you Alex Tilley, who I interviewed in episode 4 about his organization called Talking Oceans. Much of our conversation covered the manner in which marine conservationists should approach helping local communities in...
Jan. 27, 2020

SUFB 959: Sea-Level Rise Will Reshape The US Coastline And Increase Migration Inland

We know that Sea-Level Rise will reshape the world's coastlines physically, but it is rare that we see studies that predict how local communities will be reshaped from a socio-economic perspective. A recent study out of the University of Southern...
Jan. 24, 2020

SUFB 958: How Government Regulations Are Made

The Government Of Canada introduced the creation of a new Aquaculture Act, which is long overdue, that was to be introduced in 2025. I was very excited to hear the great news; however, some people are not satisfied with how long it's going to...
Jan. 22, 2020

SUFB 957: Throwback - Secchi Disk Ocean Study With Dr. Richard Kirby

My 3rd ever episode published on the Speak Up For Blue Podcast was with Dr. Richard Kirby, who developed the only Citizen Science Secchi Disk programs in the world. At the time, Richard was with the Plymouth Marine Lab, but now Richard is an...
Jan. 20, 2020

SUFB 956: Coral Fish Attracted To Healthy Coral Reef Sound

What type of music do coral fish like? Well, a group of researchers from the University of Exeter found out recently. The researchers probably didn't play Stairway To Heaven to attract young juvenile fish to coral reefs; however, they did play the...
Jan. 17, 2020

SUFB 955: Using Collaborative Efforts To Conserve Fisheries

Marine Conservation is all about collaboration because collaboration leads to results. This episode presents a recent case where adaptive management, collaboration among government, research institutes, and citizen science groups show great results...
Jan. 15, 2020

SUFB 954: Throwback To Episode 2 - Deep Sea News Busting Myths On Radiation In The Pacific

I continue to throwback to my first episodes as we approach the 1000 episode mark here on the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast. Dr. Craig McClain joined me to discuss his website, DeepSeaNews.com, how it runs and what was up with his most recent...
Jan. 13, 2020

SUFB 953: Scottish Coalition Calls For Trawling Ban Within 3 Miles Off Coast

Our Seas Coalition has called for Scotland to ban trawling within 3 miles of the coast to ensure the sustainability of fisheries for the future. The Coalition is made up of various stakeholders including marine ecotourism firms, fishing communities,...
Jan. 10, 2020

SUFB 952: Changing The Way We Label Foods And Make Them To Save The Environment

Climate Change is destroying our planet and altering our Oceans. There is no doubt about it. We need to change the way we live and we need leadership from governments and corporations to help us change.  One company is leading the charge to help...
Jan. 8, 2020

SUFB 951: Episode 1 - Marine Pollution With Dr. Judith Weis

I'm taking you back to my first episode on the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast because we are less than 50 episodes away from hitting 1000 episodes. In my first episode, I spoke to Dr. Judith Weis about her new book (at the time) entitled "Marine...
Jan. 6, 2020

SUFB 950: Algal Blooms Are Affecting Human Health Around The World

This episode is based on a great article in the Guardian (link below) that looks at various ways the increasing number of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) are affecting the environment and human health in different places around the world.  Check out...
Jan. 3, 2020

SUFB 949: Australian Fire Origins And How The Fires Are Affected By The Ocean

The Ocean influences the climate and when the Ocean changes in temperature, then the climate changes. Unfortunately, climate change is making the Australian wildfires worse to the point where the entire country seems to be on fire...and it's only...
Jan. 1, 2020

SUFB 948: What's In Store For 2020

Happy New Year!!! We are entering a new decade where environmental awareness is rising as we continue to observe our world changing due to many of the bad things that we have done to it. However, this is a time for hope as the conversation is moving...
Dec. 30, 2019

SUFB 947: State Of The Ocean For 2019 And Outlook For 2020

Originally, I was going to do an entrie episode on the State of the Ocean in 2019, but I was worried it would be too depressing. Therefore, I decided to add the outlook of the Oceans for 2020 in the same episode to inspire hope.  Do you agree...