
Aug. 2, 2019

SUFB 850: Why Citizen Science Is So Important

Marine Conservation studies are plagued by the "I could do so much more if I had more...Money...People...etc."  Citizen Science can help with that program as it provides more people to do more things for your Marine Conserva…
Aug. 1, 2019

SUFB 849: The Consequences Of Melting Ice

I've seen many articles on melting sea ice discussing how the melting is a sign of climate change; however, I don't feel that the articles discuss how melting sea ice could have an impact on the human population. I decided t…
July 30, 2019

SUFB 848: Upping My Plastic Free Life...Or At Least Trying My Best

Working towards a single-use plastic-free life is not the easiest thing in the world. Plastic is engrained in our lives to the point where we don't even think about it. Over the past few years, my wife and I have made it a p…
July 29, 2019

SUFB 847: Fines Are Not Sufficient After Oil Spill In British Columbia

that washed up along the coast of Indigenous Lands. The Indigenous community used to harvest 25 marine species, but they are not been able to harvest any since the fuel and oil spill.  The Texas-based company that owned the …
July 28, 2019

SUFB 846: Discovery's Shark Week 2019 Preview

Discovery's Shark Week is back for 2019. I conduct my annual review of the previews of Shark Week to show you what I am excited about.  What do you think of the line up this year? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group: .…
July 27, 2019

SUFB 845: Who Will Manage The High Seas Marine Protected Areas

I saw a post about an article on , where the authors provided evidence on the reasons why we need Marine Protected Areas in the High Seas.  Listen to the episode to find out what the High Seas are and why Marine Protected Ar…
July 26, 2019

SUFB 844: The Doomsday Clock Strikes Again!

There is a headline about Climate Change going around telling people that the world is going to end in 18 months nations don't start taking action to fight Climate Change. The headline is: "." Headlines that have a doomsday …
July 25, 2019

SUFB 843: The Uniqueness Of Team ORCA With Dr. Edie Widder

I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Edie Widder, Deep Sea Ecologist and CEO/Founder of ORCA (Ocean Research And Conservation Association Inc), to discuss how her non-profit organization collects coastal and marine data a…
July 24, 2019

SUFB 842: Living Shorelines For Coastal Communities

Have you ever heard of mudflats, salt marshes, mangrove forests, seagrass beds, and coral reefs? They are all habitats that can make or break your coastline. They are also known as Living Shorelines and they are being slowly…
July 23, 2019

SUFB 841: Does Science Take Priority Over Everything?

There is a huge battle happening in Hawaii right now between the State Government and Native Hawaiians. The peaceful battle is over the construction of the largest telescope (large than the Hubble Space Telescope) on the mos…
July 22, 2019

SUFB 840: Bioluminescent POcket Shark Discovered In The Gulf Of Mexico

The 5.5-inch American pocket shark was fully described in the researchers' article in the Zootaxa journal.  I discuss the continued importance to explore the deep-sea as understanding this area could help human survival in t…
July 22, 2019

SUFB 839: Recording Of A Deep Sea Giant Squid With Dr. Nathan Robinson

This episode is the second part of my interview with Dr. Nathan Robinson who was one of the two marine scientists who video recorded the second only live recording of a live Deep Sea Giant Squid EVER!!! Nathan discusses the …
July 20, 2019

SUFB 838: The Power Of Science Communication With Dr. Nathan Robinson

You may remember Nathan being on the podcast a few years ago as he described the event that spearheaded the plastic straw band movement. Nathan was the field biologist who removed the straw that was stuck in the Sea Turtle's…
July 19, 2019

SUFB 837: Lake Erie Predicted To Get Massive Algal Bloom In July

Lake Erie has had a history of algal problems given that the agricultural industry surrounds the lake on both sides of the border and Western Lake Erie is very shallow giving way to warmer waters. Phosphorous that washes int…
July 18, 2019

SUFB 836: Northern Right Whales Are In More Trouble

. One whale has been freed by a team of whale stranding professionals. The other two whales have been spotted intermittently, but the weather conditions have not been great to attempt a disentanglement.  In this episode, I t…
July 17, 2019

SUFB 835: How Orcas Eat The Livers Of Great White Sharks

It's the answer to many people's question of who would win in a fight: an Orca or a Great White Shark? Over the past few years, researchers have been studying the influence of Orcas on the Great White population. It seems as…
July 16, 2019

SUFB 834: When Marine Scientists Name New African Fish Species After Black Panther

Dr. Luiz Rocha , in a remote area off of the coast of Madagascar. He asked his colleague YI-Kai Tea to confirm it was a new species to which he did and he named it after Black Panther. The full Latin name of the fish is Cirr…
July 15, 2019

SUFB 833: US Government Is Removing Public Access To Arctic Science Documents

A researcher named Victoria Herrman does most of her work in the Arctic. . This is a HUGE issue that many scientists from around the world were hoping wouldn't happen...but here we are.  What do you think we should do about …
July 12, 2019

SUFB 832: Japan Sets Out To Hunt Whales In Their Waters, And Not For "Research"

Japan is excited to start commercial whaling again as their three whaling ships set out to hunt Bryde's, minke, and sei whales. After Japan left the Internation Whaling Commission, it was excited to resume commercial whaling…
July 11, 2019

SUFB 831: More Shark Attacks Reported In US Atlantic Waters Than In US Pacific

. Why is there such a difference in shark bites between the two Oceans? Take a listen to find out.  Do you worry about shark bites when you go in the water? Share your thought in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: . Want …
July 10, 2019

SUFB 830: 6 Northern Right Whales Die In Canada During The Month Of June

The Government Of Canada has reported six Northern Right Whale Deaths in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Four of those deaths came in 48 hours. The Department of Transportation has announced a temporary reduction in ship speed in …
July 9, 2019

SUFB 829: Can You Still Do Marine Conservation Without Finding A Job In The Field?

Are you a recent Marine Conservation graduate who is struggling to find a job? Join the rest of us!!! I've been there! The mental and emotional stress of not finding a job today is excruciating. Many graduates have been sear…
July 8, 2019

SUFB 828: How To Speak To People Who Don't Share The Same Views As You

I had a great conversation with a friend of mine on the weekend, where we discussed politics (I know, I know...it's a taboo topic for most people to discuss politics over drinks, especially between two people who have differ…
July 7, 2019

SUFB 827: Can Youth Activists Exclude Fossil Fuel Lobbyists From UN Climate Talks?

Governments all around the world have made great promises to reduce their impact on Climate Change; however, actions have not been taken towards greenhouse gas reductions that are necessary. For example, the Canadian Governm…