
June 7, 2019

SUFB 802: How Micronesian Coral Reefs Respond To Human Impacts and Climate Change With Sara Cannon

I had the pleasure to sit down with Sara Cannon to discuss her PhD work on how coral reefs in Micronesia respond to Human Impacts and Coral Reefs. Sara brings up a great point in the interview that some coral reef species ar…
June 6, 2019

SUFB 801: Fishermen Who Mutilated A Greenland Shark Get Fired

(yes, recorded) themselves mutilating a Greenland Shark at sea by cutting off its tail and throwing it back in the water and laughing as it tries to swim away. You can watch the video here, but I will warn you that it is gra…
June 5, 2019

SUFB 800: Getting New Shark Species On The CITES List With Jen Sewada

Dr. Chris Parsons, Director Of Science Content for Speak Up For Blue, interviews Jen Sewada of the PEW Charitable Trusts on how they are working with partner organizations to get Mako, Guitar, and Wedge Sharks protected in t…
June 4, 2019

SUFB 799: What Happens When One Protected Species Eats Another

Dr. David Shiffman wrote a great article for based on a about the management of protected species. The journal article in Ecology and Evolution looked at the interactions of one protected species, the great white shark, wi…
June 3, 2019

SUFB 798: How Nature Documentaries Can Do Better For Conservation

There was a great write up on Medium.com about that is necessary to solve the issues facing nature.  I would like to hear your thoughts on nature documentaries and their role in conservation. Share them in the Speak Up For …
May 31, 2019

SUFB 797: How Being Ocean-Friendly At Home Can Lead To Better Things

In yesterday's episode, I mentioned that working to live an Ocean-Friendly life can lead to a change in mindset in each individual that could lead to bigger changes. I explain it all in this episode and I think it will help …
May 30, 2019

SUFB 796: Why A Mass Die Off Of Puffins Happened In Alaska

In 2016, a mass die-off of thousands of tufted puffins washed up emaciated and either dead or dying due to changes in their food supply.  Puffins are seabirds that feed on pollock, cod, and other fish at the edge of cold poo…
May 29, 2019

SUFB 795: Empowering Yourself To Become An Ocean Leader With Darcie Anaderson

Darcie Anderson is my guest today and she is here to tell us how she is living for a better Ocean. Darcie has lived in 5 countries, including living 500 meters from the Ocean in a Nature Reserve. She is a second-year student…
May 28, 2019

SUFB 794: Canada's Recycling Waste Returning From Overseas

Did you know that countries ship their recycled waste to other countries for recycling and disposal? Well, apparently it's been happening for a while, but it seems like it's going to stop now. waste so they are sending it b…
May 27, 2019

SUFB 793: Climate Change Can Remove Barrier That Could Increase Intensity Of Hurricanes On US East Coast

I've lived through a Category 3 Hurricane before and it was intense...I know, I know, that's nothing compared to what the people along the US East Coast have experienced. I can't imagine what it would be like to live through…
May 24, 2019

SUFB 792: Moving Away From Fast Fashion

The title of this episode changes as I provide my opinion on the clothes that are available (fast fashion) and the clothes that we should be buying (vintage, 2nd hand clothes made of natural fibers). The whole idea of fast f…
May 23, 2019

SUFB 791: Collision Conference - Eco-Friendly Start Ups

At the Collision Conference, I had the chance to speak with some of the Entrepreneurs that are trying to disrupt the current environmentally harmful markets with products and services that will replace the status quo.  I des…
May 21, 2019

SUFB 790: Planet Tech At The Collision Conference

This episode is coming at you straight from the Collision Conference, a conference where tech meets solutions for everything. Today, I am focused on the Planet: Tech portion of the conference, where I saw speakers from the P…
May 20, 2019

SUFB 789: New Version Of MarXiv On Its Way

Nick Wehner from Open Communications For The Ocean (OCTO) joins me again today to discuss the updates to the new version of the MarXiv () pre-print, open-access database.  During the episode, Nick and I discuss the goals ach…
May 19, 2019

SUFB 788: Prepping For A Conference That I've Never Been To Before

I was invited to a conference by a listener of this podcast, Rachel Wheeler, that I've never attended before. The conference is called the Collision Conference, which involves solving a number of problems through technology.…
May 18, 2019

SUFB 787: 414 Million Pieces Of Plastic Found On Remote Island In The Indian Ocean

The plastic and debris were not made or used by a population of 600 people that live on the island. It came from other countries generated by other people.  Unfortunately, the local community will be affected by this plastic…
May 17, 2019

SUFB 786: Climate Change Causing A Shift In Tornado Alley

A new study has revealed a warming Climate has caused a change in the number, location, and intensity of Tornadoes in the US' Tornado Alley.  I discuss how tornadoes have changed over the past 4 decades and what those ramifi…
May 16, 2019

SUFB 785: Keep An Eye On Politics

Recent laws that were made in the US regarding abortion made me think that we as citizens in our own countries need to pay attention to politics and how our elected officials vote on particular issues, especially issues that…
May 15, 2019

SUFB 784: Pursuing An Ocean Lifestyle

During yesterday's episode, I talked about how we need to stop letting trash get in our Ocean by living an Ocean Lifestyle. It's a way to make sure that we ask ourselves if what we do, eat, or where will negatively affect th…
May 14, 2019

SUFB 783: Explorer Sets Deepest Dive Record In Mariana Trench, But Finds Trash

And when I say amazing, I mean that in the most depressing way! Some people see the news of trash in the deepest parts of the Ocean and don't know what I do. Other people, like myself, see trash at the deepest parts of the O…
May 13, 2019

SUFB 782: Can The Planet Stop Eating Fish?

in order to save fish stocks. Monbiot listed a number of problems with the current fishing industry in the UK (and can be echoed around the world) and quickly dismissed the solutions that are being implemented to reduce and …
May 10, 2019

SUFB 781: Conserving The UK And Overseas Territories With Dr. Johnny Briggs

Dr. Johnny Briggs from the PEW Charitable Trust's Bertarelli Ocean Legacy Program to discuss his work on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Other Effective Conservation Measures (OECMs) in the UK and the Overseas Territories.…
May 9, 2019

SUFB 780: Belizean Radio Show, Punta Fuego, Is Helping Protect Fisheries

, who is a fisherman trying to stay on the right side of the law and abide by fisheries regulations.  The radio show is designed to target fishing villages across the country to bring about the education of fisheries regulat…
May 9, 2019

SUFB 779: New Report On Marine Mammals In Captivity With Dr. Chris Parsons

Dr. Chris Parsons joins me on the podcast again today. This time Chris is discussing the results of a new report on the science of mortality and life expectancy of Marine Mammals in captivity compared to wild.  There are man…