Today is a very special episode because I finally opened up Ocean Talk Friday to people in the Facebook Group. It was the first time I did this and I am very happy to say that it worked out very well for the first time. Tod…
Christine Ren, from , is our guest on the podcast today. She is here for two reasons: 1) To tell us how underwater performances can make the personal connection of the ocean to the human race: and, 2) Christine and I got to …
The . Will this be the first of many countries to do so? Plus, his to clean up the Ocean taking time and money away from other projects that focus on preventing plastics from getting into the Ocean? Finally, I talk ab…
Today's episode is all about my vacation to Hawai'i. I'm here for a wedding, but used the opportunity to get some Marine Conservation done in the best way I know how, I volunteered to monitor Green Sea Turtles that would bas…
Alexis Brown is on the podcast today to discuss her podcast called "My Ocean" under the . We get in to talking about all of the programs that Ocean Wise runs including the Vancouver Aquarium, Shoreline Clean Up, Seafood Prog…
Two stories to discuss today: 1) The US is using the Marine Mammal Protection Act to make countries to thorough Cetacean surveys before they can ship fish to the US; and, 2) A recent CBC report revealed that Canadians may no…
Two things happened to me this week regarding the Oceans: 1) Today, I saw a Facebook friend post a fake map of "radiation" spread across the Pacific Ocean after the Japanese Tsunami. Find out why it's fake by listening to th…
Melanie Knight is my guest today on the podcast to discuss how she got inspired by plogging, the act of picking up litter while jogging. Melanie talks with me about how she got started and why she did a 30 day challenge of p…
There is a lot to update you on the program today. I first talk about the 10% loss in population of North Atlantic Right Whales and why there is such a decline; My opinion on the validity of Marine Conservation Documentaries…
Ocean Talk Friday brings me around to discuss two big nes items that came out this week: 1) ; and, 2) Two Scientists have different views on Marine Protected Size and priority for protection ( and ) Enjoy the Podcast!!! I wo…
I had the great opportunity to meet and work with Rebecca at OceanDotCom 2018 hosted by LUMCON. During the event, Rebecca came to me to ask if she would like me to have her on the podcast to talk about how cool Jellyfish are…
Today is a special episode, not necessarily because of the topic (Carbon Tax), but because I recorded the episode live in the Facebook Group. I did it for two reasons: 1) I want to have the podcast to include the members of …
I am very happy to be discussing Harbour Seal behaviour with my new friend Shea Steingass who has the pleasure in conducting these captivating animals. She discusses how she uses stable isotope analysis using Harbour Seal wh…
Today, I am talking about something really special to me and the conservation community at large. The Jairo Mora Sandoval Bravery Award is given to a person who demonstrates bravery in the face of danger while conserving the…
Today's Ocean Talk Friday has me breaking down the everything that happened at OceanDotComm 2018. As many of you know, I spent a week at LUMCON (Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium) with over 40 other people who have ex…
Shea and I sit down to decompress and discuss the past four days at OceanDotComm 2018. We chat about we loved the challenge on taking on the Southern Louisiana Coastal Optimism project and incorporating it into the podcast. …
Patty Ferguson joins Shea on the podcast to discuss how the Pointe-Au-Chien Tribe is fighting to protect their land against coastal loss and for their tight to be federally recognized as a tribe. The federal recognition woul…
Beth Guidry joins Shea on the podcast to discuss how she is dealing with the rapid coastal loss as an educator in Southern Louisiana. Beth tells Shea how her student's lives have changed based on the changes to the landscape…
Dr. Solomon David joins me on the podcast to discuss his recent migration from Michigan to Southern Louisiana, where he is an Associate Professor at Nichols State University teaching and studying aquatic fisheries science. H…
Murt Conover joins Shea on the podcast to discuss why Murt settled in Southern Louisiana for 20 years after she had lived in 32 states previously. There is something about this area that entices people to stay here for long …
Arlanda Williams joins me on the podcast to discuss how local politics plays a role in protecting the people of Southern Louisiana. Arlanda serves as Vice Chair of the Terrebonne Parrish Council and is also a PhD candidate. …
Dr. Melissa Baustian joins Shea on this episode of the season to tell us about the diverse coastal habitats within the Southern Louisiana Region to give us a sense of the changes that have occurred over the past century. You…
I am very pleased to introduce Shea Steingass to you as we collaborate to create a overall narrative of Coastal Optimism through a series of interviews with various members of the community in Southern Louisiana. All of the …