
Sept. 14, 2016

SUFB 205: Marine Conservation Event Planning With Travis Nielsen

Marine Conservation Careers is not attained by following a straight and narrow road, just ask our guest Travis Nielsen
Sept. 12, 2016

SUFB 204: Leading By Example For Marine Conservation

Working in Marine Conservation can lead to protests of various kinds. I talk about some recent successful examples in this episode.
Sept. 9, 2016

SUFB 203: Ocean Talk Friday

Nathan and I get together once again to talk about the Ocean and how we can protect it!
Sept. 7, 2016

SUFB 202: IMCC Planning And Fishing Research With Dr Brett Favaro

Dr. Brett Favaro is leading the research in sustainable fishing gear at the Marine Institute at Memorial University
Sept. 2, 2016

SUFB 201: Ocean Talk Friday

Ocean Talk Friday is back and we discussed the expansion of a marine park, the economy of conservation, how seamounts are vulnerable, what do do with conservation and poverty
Aug. 31, 2016

SUFB 200: Studying Blue Whales with Ocean Optimism with Asha DeVos

This interview with Asha DeVos will show you that with passion and persistence, you can do anything you want.
Aug. 29, 2016

SUFB 199: Seeking a Meaningful Career In Marine Science and Conservation

If you are searching a more meaningful career than Marine Science and Conservation could be for you.
Aug. 24, 2016

SUFB 198: Marine Education of Kids With Nikita Shiel-Rolle

I sat down with Nikita Shiel-Rolle, CEO and Founder of Young Marine Explorers to talk marine education and youth development
Aug. 22, 2016

SUFB 197: Crowd Source Funding The new Ocean Conservation Model?

Will Crowdfunding help protect the Oceans?
Aug. 19, 2016

SUFB 196 Greenland Shark is as Old as Dirt and US is Still Divisive On Climate Change

It's Friday and I haven't given you an update on some Ocean News, so here it is.
Aug. 17, 2016

SUFB 195: Surfing To Conservation And Social Change With Dr. Easkey Britton

Easkey Britton facilitates the building of surfing communities to bring about social and environmental change
Aug. 15, 2016

SUFB 194: 7 Ways You Can Conserve The Ocean

This is how you can begin to conserve the Ocean in 7 ways
Aug. 12, 2016

SUFB 193: 4 Inspirational People In Marine Conservation

I had the chance to meet these incredible women at the International Marine Conservation Congress and saw what they are accomplishing in the Marine Conservation Field
Aug. 10, 2016

SUFB 192: Trash Free Seas With Nick Mallos

Ocean Conservancy's Nick Mallos, Director of their Trash Free Seas Alliance, sits down with me to discuss the problem of plastic pollution and how we can reduce it.
Aug. 8, 2016

SUFB 191: Jairo Mora Award To Support Conservation

This is the most important episode that I've made for this podcast regarding the security of Conservation Biologists around the world.
Aug. 3, 2016

SUFB 190: Whale Sea Side Santuaries With Dr. Naomi Rose

Dr. Naomi Rose visits to podcast at IMCC4 to gove us the lowdown on Whale Sea-Side Sanctuaries designed for retiring captive whales.
Aug. 1, 2016

SUFB 189: International Marine Conservation Congress 4 Day 1

Nathan and I recount our first day at the IMCC conference here in St. John's, NFLD where there was a surprise focus on a specific subject
July 29, 2016

SUFB 188: Ocean Talk Friday

Nathan and I talk about Whales vs Sonar; New Species of Beaked Whale; Vanishing Vaquita; Seagrass loss; and, Shark Fin ban by Shipping company Cosco
July 27, 2016

SUFB 187: Sea Turtles Taking on Hitchhikers With Nathan Robinson

Sea Turtles are known for their long migration routes, but did you know that they accumulate critters from the places they visit and it can help in their conservation?
July 25, 2016

SUFB 186: Preparing For Marine Conservation Conferences

I let you in on how I set my goals for the upcoming International Marine Conservation Congress next week
July 22, 2016

SUFB 185: Ocean Talk Friday

Nathan and I talk about Dory being bred in captivity; First Nations and Recreational Fishers are fighting over salmon; There are some coral reefs that are doing better than expected; and, How YOU can save the Ocean.
July 21, 2016

SUFB 184: Sea Pens For Marine Mammals

The National Aquarium of Baltimore is leading the way to release captive Marine Mammals with the announcement that it will release its 8 Atlantic bottlenose dolphins in sea pens
July 19, 2016

SUFB 183: Drones For Marine Conservation

Drones are becoming an important part of Marine Science and Conservation
July 15, 2016

SUFB 182: Ocean Talk Friday

Nathan and I reunite after some busy time (and vacation time!) to discuss Marine Conservation Hot Topics!