Season 1

Nov. 23, 2016

SUFB 242: Scientists Inspiring Students With Patrick Goff

I talk to Patrick Goff, a grade 8 science teacher, who is inspiring his students through web talks with actual scientists.
Nov. 21, 2016

SUFB 241: More MPAs Declared In The World

Two more Marine Protected Areas were designated in the Philippines and in Canada.
Nov. 21, 2016

SUFB 240: Options For Your Marine Science And Conservation Career

Every one wants to work in a career, a 9-5 job, but what are your other options?
Nov. 18, 2016

SUFB 239: Ocean Talk Friday Grassroots Marine Conservation Edition

We are switching it up a bit to focus on grassroots conservation projects. I hope you like it.
Nov. 16, 2016

SUFB 238 Grassroots Conservation With Dr. Rob Moir

I've never felt so inspired after an interview than after this one. You need to listen to this episode if you want to learn how to protect the Ocean under the next US Administration
Nov. 14, 2016

SUFB 237: Grassroots Marine Conservation

Conservation is about people. It Starts with people. It ends with people. Democratic governments cannot stop the people.
Nov. 12, 2016

SUFB 236: The Interview For Marine Science And Conservation Careers

The Interview is an important process of getting a job. This episode tells you why.
Nov. 12, 2016

SUFB 235: Ocean Talk Friday

We switched the Ocean Talk Friday up due to the election...but it's important!
Nov. 9, 2016

SUFB 234: Post US Election Ocean News Update

The US Election is Over...Here is what you missed in Ocean News
Nov. 7, 2016

SUFB 233: How DoWe Manage Ocean Users

The Ocean have been treated like the Wild Wild West, so how to we start managing industries who are not used to being managed?
Nov. 5, 2016

SUFB 232: The Resume for Marine Science And Conservation Careers

The resume is an impotant part of your application to getting the job you want for your Marine Science and Conservation Career. find out how to write one properly to increase your chances to getting an interview.
Nov. 4, 2016

SUFB 231: Ocean Talk Friday

Today, Nathan and I discuss planning for the future of Ocean Science, State Ocean Planning, Australia cutting out MPAs, and an amphipod uses invisibility cloak
Nov. 2, 2016

SUFB 230: The Ross Sea MPA Process With Cassandra Brooks

After 10 years of working on trying to get the Ross Sea protected, Cassandra Brooks saw her hard work come to fruition.
Oct. 31, 2016

SUFB 229: Where Is The Ocean Optimism

As Ocean Science and Conservation Communicators, we sometimes fail at promoting Ocean Optimism. We need to work at better communication.
Oct. 29, 2016

SUFB 228: How to Write a Cover Letter for Marine Science and Conservation Careers

Cover Letters for Marine Science and Conservation are not the same as Cover Letters for Business
Oct. 28, 2016

SUFB 227: Ocean Talk Friday

Today, Nathan and I discuss how insurance companies know flooding; drink beer for stellar sea lions; drunk fish on CO2; whaling countries blocking protections
Oct. 26, 2016

SUFB 226: The Nakawe Project with Regi Domingo

I got to interview Regi Domingo, the Founder of the Nakawe Project, which is doing some great things in Marine Science and Conservation
Oct. 24, 2016

SUFB 225: Never Give Up Hope For The Ocean

A Conversation I had with a Colleague that I respect lead me to discuss today's podcast topic
Oct. 22, 2016

SUFB 224: 5 Important Strategies To Do Other than Search for Jobs While Launching Your Marine Science and Conservation Career

Building your career does not mean you will search for jobs the entire time. I chat about 5 important things you should do to build your career.
Oct. 21, 2016

SUFB 223: Ocean Talk Friday

Nathan and I chat about Luxury Hotels working in Conservation; Antarctic up for 2 protected areas; The Ocean loves Heat; The GBR is not dead!
Oct. 19, 2016

SUFB 222: Bella Bella Diesel Spill Near Great Bear Forest

A diesel spill has devastated a first nations community. It was a small spill, but was it predicting the future?
Oct. 17, 2016

SUFB 221: Shark Diving Goes Wrong and What You Should Know To Prevent This

There is a video showing a shark diving experience gone wrong, I chat about what you can do do prevent it from happening to you
Oct. 15, 2016

SUFB 220: BONUS Marine Careers Series How To Volunteer To Gain Experience

Experience will get you jobs, but how do you get experience when lack of experience won't get you jobs?
Oct. 14, 2016

SUFB 219: Ocean Talk Friday

Nathan and I talk about a new form of Aquaculture; Canada should be an Ocean super power; the importance of Seagrass; and, China could be messing up the environment